Determine course together

and set sails

100% committed Accountants and Advisors

Kallen Accountants en Adviseurs B.V. is an accountancy and consultancy firm which is strong by making choices. Our specialists in accountancy, taxes and HRM services maintain short lines.This expertise and working method, combined with our (inter) national network, guarantees optimal service. By engaging the right specialist, we always find a tailor-made solution for you.

We are proud of our existence since 1955 and still have a fresh look on the future. You can rely on a committed and result-oriented team with extensive experience.

Covid-virus update

The covid-virus is also causing drastic measures in the Netherlands. This can have major consequences, also for you as an entrepreneur. That is why we are now simply ready to help you and advise you where necessary.


Our office is open as long as possible and can be reached by telephone.



Knowledge of your industry

At Kallen Accountants en Adviseurs you will find a number of specialists in various branches. Their current knowledge makes it possible to advise you actively and professionally. In addition to accountants and tax specialists, we can also make use of the specialist knowledge of lawyers, civil-law notaries, HRM and organizational advisers within our network.




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